From viewing your class schedule to checking out the Student Success Center, there is a wide variety of useful apps in the GCU Portal. With so many options to choose from, we wanted to provide you with a quick description of every app so you can customize your portal to display the apps that are most important to you! For more information on how to customize your apps, see Navigating the GCU Portal.
If you are an online or dual enrollment student, you may not have all of the apps available.
Academic Excellence Center
The Academic Excellence Center app will direct you to the Campus and Learning Resources page with information regarding campus and learning resources.
Campus Events
The Campus Events application lists upcoming events on campus, along with a brief description of each event, a calendar overview, and a list of venues. When you click on an event, you are taken to the event description. This includes the time, location, a map feature to show where the event takes place, and a link to buy tickets from the GCU Arena ticketing website.
Career Connections
The Career Connections app will take you to the online tool of the same name. Similar to Career Services on-campus, the Career Connections site gives you the opportunity to create a professional profile, apply for off-campus positions, and build a resume among other tools.
Alternatively, you may access this application through Please refer to the article Career Connections for further guidance about this application.
Career IMPACT Center
The Career IMPACT Center app will take you to a page where you can access the aforementioned Career Connections, as well as find useful information regarding employment and internship opportunities.
Class Schedule/Grades
The Class Schedule/Grades app takes you to a page where you can easily view your classes and grades by semester. Your current GPA and program of study are available as well. Current, previous, and scheduled semesters/courses are available for view, and can be expanded to show additional course information. You can also download a PDF copy of your schedule by clicking the Download Schedule option at the top of the page.
Dual Enrollment students will also see a button for the Dual Enrollment App from the Class Schedule/Grades app. This app helps these types of students with registering for new classes. For more information about the Dual Enrollment app, check out the Dual Enrollment App article.
Competency Test
The Competency Test app takes you to a testing site where you can take a competency test to transfer in a credit for ITT-115. Your login information for this test will be your GCU username and password. Before beginning the 2-hour timed test, you should contact your SSC to verify that you are able to transfer in the credit for this class. This test is not mandatory for students who do not wish to transfer in the credit.
Course Registration
Available to ground students only, the Course Registration app allows you to create a schedule from available class sections and times. Counselor information is also listed should you have any questions regarding your schedule.
Alternatively, you can access the Course Registration page at If you are asked to sign in, login using your GCU email (e.g. and password. For more information about this application, please see Course Registration.
Document Management
The Document Management app will take you to the Document Management System. This is where the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form will be located for students who are required to complete experience hours for their degree program. For more information, check out our article about Document Management Forms.
The Edocs app will direct you to a list of your electronic documents pending you or your parent’s signature.
The Email app will take you directly to your GCU email in Outlook. For more information on accessing your email, check out Accessing Your GCU Email.
The Excel app takes you to an online version of Microsoft Excel. The first time this app is accessed, you will be asked to sign up for an account or log in. Select “Work or school account” to be signed in and gain access to the Excel online functions. You can also visit other Office 365 online applications by clicking on “My Account” at the top right corner of the screen. For further guidance on how to access and navigate the Excel app, please refer to the article Microsoft Online Programs in the GCU Portal.
Facilities Request
The Facilities Request app will open an email template that allows you to notify GCU when there is an issue in your dorm. If you do not live on campus, you will receive this error: “We were unable to find your records. Please contact your Resident Director”.
Finance Hub
The Finance Hub app will allow you to view your financial information. You can view your financial ledger by semester. If you would like to make a payment, you can select the link under Account Information that says, ‘Make A Payment.’ For instructions on this process for online students, click here. Campus students can click here.
Financial Aid Links
The Financial Aid Links app will direct you to a list of helpful links related to financial aid.
Financial Estimate
The Financial Estimate app gives you access to all of the financial aid documents you have received from the Financial Aid Office at GCU. The app allows you to see the notification document, which explains the financial aid award you received and shows the amount that was awarded.
The GCUAlert app takes you to the AlertGCU site where you can register for public safety emergency alerts. This site also includes information on recent alerts, resources, and safety tips.
GPA Calculator
The GPA Calculator app will direct you to a tool that can be used to calculate a target GPA or see your current one.
The Graduation app will direct you to helpful links relating to the graduation process. There are two links, one that opens the graduation application and one that directs to information about commencement ceremonies.
Alternatively, you may access the graduation application via
Helpful Links
The Helpful Links app provides a list of links that can assist you during your educational journey. Examples include links to the library, financial aid assistance, the lopes apparel shop, etc.
Housing Portal
The Housing Portal app can be used by traditional students to arrange their living situation on campus. If you do not live on campus, you will not have access to this app. Within the app, there are links to the housing application and a roommate agreement form. Please refer to our article On-Campus Housing Application for more information about Housing Application.
The Invoices app will direct you to a page that provides your financial invoices.
The Library app will redirect you to the GCU library site,, where you can locate resources such as journal articles and books. During hours of operation, librarians can assist you in locating resources, citing sources, and general questions about essay format.
Lopes Activity Tracker
The Lopes Activity Tracker app is used by students who are enrolled in the Hospitality Management degree program. If you are required to use this app and have any questions, contact your Student Services Counselor for assistance.
For more information about this app, please refer to our article Lopes Activity Tracker.
Lopes Apparel Shop
The Lopes Apparel Shop app will redirect you to the online Lopes Shop. Here you can purchase various licensed GCU clothing items and accessories, as well as test preparation resources.
New Student Orientation and Resources
The New Student Orientation and Resources app will redirect you to a page that contains multiple resources to assist new students living on campus at GCU. One option you may find on this page is “First Week Success”, which redirects to a helpful video that will familiarize you with your Student Portal and Halo Learn classroom. Another option, “First Year Experience”, provides roadmaps for each of your initial semesters in your first year at GCU.
Nursing Application Checklist
Available to ground nursing students only. The Nursing Application Checklist app provides a list of items that need to be addressed, are in the progress, and have already been completed before being accepted into the nursing program.
Office 365
The Office 365 app directs to a page where you can select the Office program (i.e., Excel, OneDrive, PowerPoint, and Word) with which you would like to access through OneDrive. For information on each individual app, refer to the descriptions on this article for each.
The OneDrive app will redirect you to the Microsoft OneDrive site. For those that are not able to download the free Microsoft Office 365 offered by GCU, you will still be able to use programs such as Word and PowerPoint to complete your coursework. OneDrive gives you the ability to use these resources entirely online, as well as providing an ample amount of online storage.
Alternatively, you can access OneDrive directly through this link If this link asks you to sign in, login using your GCU Email (e.g., and password. For more information about this application, please refer to Microsoft Online Programs in the GCU Portal article.
Placement Exams
If you are an incoming student, you may need to take placement exams to determine which Math and English classes you will be placed in. The Placement Exams app will redirect to the site in which these tests are offered. If available, up to two attempts can be made for each exam. After attempting an exam, the first time, you must wait at least 24 hours before attempting it again.
The PowerPoint app will redirect to PowerPoint Online through OneDrive. This will allow you to create and edit a PowerPoint presentation within your web browser. The first time this app is accessed, you will be asked to sign up for an account or log in. Select “Work or school account” to be signed in and gain access to the PowerPoint online functions. For further guidance on how to access and navigate the PowerPoint app, please refer to the article Microsoft Online Programs in the GCU Portal.
Student Checklist
Available to campus students, the Student Checklist app provides a list of items that need to be addressed, are in the progress, and have already been completed. Counselor information is also listed here should you have any questions pertaining to this list.
Student Resources
The Student Resources app opens a page with information on student benefits and campus resources. This page is a hub of information for available resources on campus and important contact information for various campus departments.
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center app leads to the Student Success Center main page. This page provides information on each individual college, as well as tutorials, templates, and writing resources for students.
Alternatively, you can access the Student Success Center through this link: If this link asks you to sign in, log in using your GCU Email (e.g., and password. For more information about this application, please refer to the Student Success Center article.
Technical Support
The Technical Support app redirects to the GCU Technical Support Help Center. This website allows you to search for issues or topics you may need assistance with and provides contact information for GCU Technical Support. You may also access this application through
The ThinkingStorm app will redirect you to the ThinkingStorm online tutoring site. As a GCU student, you are eligible for up to 10 free hours of online tutoring with ThinkingStorm each calendar year. Through this site, you can interact with tutors on a variety of subjects. For further information about this application, please refer to our ThinkingStorm article.
Transcript Request
The Transcript Request app allows you to request official transcripts through a third-party service called Parchment. For further information, please refer to our article on Requesting Transcripts.
The Tutorials app will redirect you to a section of the Student Success Center which contains links for tutorials on Microsoft Office, writing tutorials, and other online resources.
Upload Documents
The Upload Documents app redirects to the Document Upload portal. This is where documents required by the University can be uploaded and submitted to a counselor. The acceptable file types are .doc/.docx, .dotx, .odt, .gdoc, .cwk, .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .tiff, .raw, and .html. Please be aware that the Document Upload portal has a maximum file size of 25 megabytes (MB).
Withdrawal Form
The Withdrawal Form app will redirect to the Withdrawal form page. This form is only for students who wish to completely withdraw from the University.
The Word app will redirect to Word Online through OneDrive. This will allow you to create and edit documents within your web browser. The first time this app is accessed, you will be asked to sign up for an account or log in. Select “Work or school account” to be signed in and gain access to the Word online functions. For further guidance on how to access and navigate the Word app, please refer to the article Microsoft Online Programs in the GCU Portal.