Faculty teaching CWV courses can view their student’s completion of the status of the Christian Worldview survey as well as re-assign the survey if needed. This dashboard is only available to faculty members by going to cwv-exam-dashboard.gcu.edu. From here, faculty can log in using their GCU username (@my.gcu.edu is not required) and password.
To view the status of a student’s survey, you can search for the student by their student number or name. Faculty members can also sort by the course or start date to find the students status. Once the student is located, it will show the status of the pre-test as well as the post-test.
Faculty have ability to re-assign the survey for their students if needed. When looking at the status of the student’s survey, there is a blue circled arrow to the right of the status. Selecting this arrow will re-assign the assignment for the student.
If you are having issues logging into the CWV Survey Dashboard, please first ensure that you are signing in with only your GCU username and not your entire GCU email. If you continue to experience difficulties with signing in, we recommend resetting your password.
If you find that you are unable to access the CWV Survey Dashboard but are able to log into your other GCU accounts, we recommend first trying to manually entering your password when signing in instead of using the prefilled in password. If you continue to experience difficulties, your issue may need to be escalated. In this case, please contact Technical Support to look into your issue.