Generally speaking, only traditional on-ground faculty can edit or add content within the Halo environment. The only exception to this rule is adding Discussion Threads, as that ability is granted to ALL faculty.
If you are a traditional on-ground faculty, this article will walk you through the process of adding content in Halo. You can add content, edit tasks and assignments, and re-order the structure of the Path.
If you are an online faculty, please do not make changes to pre-existing course content as it could cause grading complications. However, you are able to add your own resources to the Course or Topic materials if desired. If you are adding Discussion Threads to Halo, it will not result in any changes to the course point total, so the process can be completed by both traditional and online faculty. Click the applicable heading below for steps. If you are unable to edit content in your class at all, please contact Faculty Training and Development for guidance at 602-639-7004 or at
You may add additional reading materials and resources to the class.
Topic Resources
To begin, navigate to a topic the resource is for.
Under Resources, select Upload Resource.
You can either add a File or a link to the resource. After uploading the file or entering the URL, provide a title and description for the resource. Press Publish when you are done.
After pressing publish, the Resources list will update. To edit or delete any instructor added resources, select the 3 dots to the right of the resource.
Instructor Only
Go to Instructor Only Resources and then select Upload Resource.
You can either add a File or a link to the resource. After uploading the file or entering the URL, provide a title and description for the resource. Press Publish when you are done.
After pressing publish, the Resources list will update. To edit or delete any instructor added resources, select the 3 dots to the right of the resource.
Class Resources
In a similar process as before, go to Class Resources and then select Upload Resource.
You can either add a File or a link to the resource. If uploading a file, it must be under 20MB in size. After uploading the file or entering the URL, provide a title and description for the resource. Press Publish when you are done.
After pressing publish, the Resources list will update. To edit or delete any instructor added resources, select the 3 dots to the right of the resource.
Only Traditional Instructors can add additional assessments to the class. To begin, navigate to the Syllabus.
Select Modify Class next to Class Materials.
Under the calendar, select Add Assessment.
After selecting Add Assessment, go ahead and fill out the assessment details. You can add an assignment and a discussion question to the class. If you select the assignment assessment type, you will be able to create a new group assignment by turning on Group. To add attachments to an assignment, you must add the assignment first. You can add up to 10 files for the assignment, with a maximum of 40MB per file.
After filling out the assessment details, press Add to Class. Once the assessment has been saved, you can find it in the topic that is covered during the selected start date with a bubble saying Instructor Added. If you need to make any edits to the instructor added content, select the assessment from the list and press Save & Publish to save the changes.
Any assessments that have been added to the course will show a blue Instructor Added tag next to them on the Modify Class page.
Once you are finished adding new assessments press Leave Page in the upper-right corner to navigate back to your class.
Only Traditional Instructors can edit assessments that they add to the class. To begin, navigate to the Syllabus.
Select Modify Class next to Class Materials.
From the Modify Class page, you can select any assessment that is labeled as Instructor Added to modify. Once an assessment has been selected, it can be modified in the following ways:
- Toggle visibility to students
- Change the title
- Change the start date, start time, due date, and due time
- Change the point value
- Toggle LopesWrite requirement
- Change an assignment from a group assignment to an individual assignment
- Change an assignment to be turned into in-person
- Edit the description
- Add attachments
To add attachments, select Attachments and then Add Attachment.
Once modified, select Save & Publish to save your changes. Once you are finished editing assessments, press Leave Page in the upper-right corner to navigate back to your class.
In Halo | Learn, instructors have permission to post additional Discussion Threads to the Discussion Forums. These posts do not count towards the gradebook; however, they can be used as a method of participation.
To add a Discussion Thread, navigate to the Discussion Forums in Halo.
Press + Add Discussion in the top-right side of the page.
Fill out the Add Discussion pop-up. If needed, you can also attach a file by selecting the Add Attachment link beneath the textbox. When uploading files to the discussion thread, you can add up to 10 files for the post, with a maximum of 40MB per file. Halo | Learn also has an auto-save feature that will indicate when the last changes were made. Once ready, press Publish.
This will publish the discussion thread for students to reply to.
If you need to remove the discussion question, you can hide it from students by selecting the Eye Icon under the Actions Column.
Halo will ask you to confirm that you want to hide the post. Selecting Hide will hide the post from students.
If you would like to edit the discussion thread, you can select the Pencil Icon under the Actions Column.
Halo will then present you with the same pop-up as when you created the question. Select Update when you have finished editing the Forum.