Technical Support assists students, applicants, and legal guardians with logging into the website, as well as troubleshooting a few specific problems with the application itself. While we try to assist to the best of our ability, we are not experts on the inside of the application and, therefore, may need to refer to your counselor for assistance that falls outside of our scope of service.
The accordions below explain how to troubleshoot the specific issues we assist with concerning the inside of applications.
Navigate to and login using your registered email and password. If you do not remember what your password is, try resetting it. For assistance with resetting your password, take a look at our article on Accessing
After logging into the website, you will need to select the application to continue. All of your active applications will appear on the first page. You can select an application to continue or select strong Create New Application.
If you are unable to make changes to your application, verify the following:
- You have completed basic browser troubleshooting such as clearing your cache and cookies, enabling pop-ups, or trying a new browser
- Check with your counselor that the document is in Needs Correction status
- You have tried clicking Back and Next
If you have tried these basic troubleshooting methods and still cannot edit the information or the information is grayed out, then the information may need to be escalated by a counselor to be updated manually.
The application works off of conditional formatting, which means that the options you select will change the upcoming pages in the application. While you are navigating within the application, you will have the option to go back, save your progress, or save and continue onto the next page. The application will display varied information based on the selections that are made within each section. Each time you select Save & Continue, the application will save the progress and load the remaining pages. If you are unable to select an option, you may need to go back to a previous section in order for the option to become available.

These text boxes have a maximum word limit of 100 words. Going over the word count will result in the following error when moving to the next page:
“A system error occurred during application process.”
If you receive this error after typing in a text box, we recommend shortening your answer.If an applicant is under the age of 18, they will be required to have a Legal Guardian review and sign-off on their application. Legal Guardians will receive an email when the applicant has completed their application, which requests that they review and sign off on it. For more information on this process, check out our other article Legal Guardian Sign-Off
If you would like to change your Program of Study (POS), navigate back to the Program Selection Page and click on the Reset Program Selections link to have everything from this page reset. The options you see on this page may vary based on the Modality (how you would like to attend) you selected when creating your account. Program availability may vary based on the state. If you are having trouble selecting a specific program, it may be necessary to consult a University Counselor.
Common issue: You are unable to select the degree or program you wish to complete. Some degrees/programs are only available in certain states; therefore, your University Counselor would need to check the availability in the state. Otherwise, you may need to select Reset Program Selections to start from scratch.
Depending on the Program of Study selected, you may need to answer a few more questions. For example, the College of Education requires a fingerprint clearance card and you may be asked questions about this, the College of Theology may ask you to fill out a Covenant, Commitments and Expectations form, and so on. There are many different documents that can appear on the application and Technical Support does not have the requirements for each one. If you encounter any issues with program specific documents, we recommend basic troubleshooting first. Also, make sure all required fields are completed. If you still cannot continue the application, we recommend reaching out to your counselor for further assistance.
To add the high school information, click on High School beneath History in the menu bar.
Select the Country, State/Province, City, and High School from the fields provided. If your high school is not listed, type the full name of the institution into the field. If you attended high school outside of the United States, select the country and enter the name of the school.
Entering College information is very similar to entering High School information. You can select Add a College and fill in the appropriate fields. You are able to enter multiple colleges by selecting Add a College again. The type of colleges you can enter will vary based on your application status. For example, if you are applying as a doctoral student, you will only be able to select colleges that have granted you masters or doctoral degrees.
If the desired college does not populate in this section, simply type in the full name of the institution manually. Even if your college has a branch located in another state, the state of the main campus must be included.
Once a college has been entered it is very simple to remove. Navigate to the college section. Once on the page, you should see an option to remove under the Previously Attended Colleges section.

If you have no degree awarded status with the University, then you will be required to enter the amount of credits you earned at that university.
This section is within the College portion of the application. Once you have submitted your college, you may have an option to submit a TRF Signature to electronically sign for transcript requests.
A common issue that some experience is the inability to view the TRF Signature box. This is either because the location entered for the college does not match the location GCU has on file, or because the college you attended does not accept an e-signed TRF. Even if your college has a branch located in another state, the state of the main campus must be included. If your college does not accept an e-signed TRF or you choose not to enter an e-signature, your counselor may need to collect a wet signature.
Once you have reached the method of payment screen, you are required to select both a primary and secondary payment option. Even if you know for sure that you will be using the primary option selected, you will still need to select a secondary option before moving forward in the application.
If you plan to use financial aid, you will be asked to enter your Social Security Number (SSN). Once the SSN has been entered, it will show up as "On file" as shown in the screenshot below, and cannot be edited. If an incorrect SSN is saved, your University Counselor will need to submit a ticket to Service Desk to have it corrected.
This e-signature is located at the end of the application. If you have chosen to e-sign, click the bullet next to I consent to the use of electronic signature to complete the documentation listed above. Your first and last name must be re-entered exactly as they were entered on the New User Registration page and General Information page. You will need to re-enter the password you created on the New User Registration for verification purposes. Once this information has been entered, select Submit Application.
If you have chosen not to e-sign, click the bullet next to I decline to use the electronic signature and chose to print, sign, and fax or mail the application and required forms to my university counselor.